The Power of OOH Concept
Introduction How many times have you been exposed to advertisements when you are outside your house? We bet the answer to this question will be thousands of times! Out of Home Concept (OOH) traditionally refers to the use of billboards on roads, pamphlets on bus stops and even the metro and trains too for the purpose of advertisement. With advancement in technology, it has moved towards street furniture, place-based media and possibly everything which catches our eye when we are outside our homes. The main idea behind it is that unconsciously the intended message will get registered in the minds of the people and which is actually effective! There are many of you who might not be aware of the storyline of the show Patiala Babes but the very fact that such a show is being run on the television is due to its poster being flashed in the metro. Origin and Types OOH advertising can be traced back to the earliest of civilizations when Egyptians would build tall structures made from...