
Showing posts from March, 2024

Unlocking the Rails: Does Indian Railways Uphold the Right to Equality?

Introduction The Indian Railways, often referred to as the lifeline of the nation, caters to more than 24 million of passengers per day. yet, a noticeable divide exists between the facilities and amenities offered in general, sleeper and AC coaches. the quality of service and comfort levels are worlds apart. Have you ever heard anyone appreciating the hospitality & sanitation of any general coach railway in India? The answer is a straight forward ‘NO’ This raises a pertinent question - does this disparity align with the principles of equality and fair access to public property? The Right to equality, a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of India. It prohibits discrimination on various grounds, including social and economic status. Even Right to clean and hygienic conditions on trains and at railway stations, Right to assistance for senior citizens, pregnant women, and passengers with disabilities mention in rights of passengers in Indian Railways. While it is understa

The Creepy Side of Google Ads: Unveiling Transparency and Consent

In a world where information is king, privacy becomes a luxury few can afford.  Introduction Google ads have reshaped the digital landscape, offering businesses unparalleled access to targeted audiences. Yet, beneath this veneer of convenience lies a troubling reality: a lack of transparency and questionable consent practices.  Consider this scenario: You’re planning a surprise proposal, meticulously keeping your plans secret. However, despite never searching for engagement rings online, you and your partner start receiving ads for them. It’s as if Google is eavesdropping on your private conversations, blurring the lines of consent and privacy.  In a revealing study, researchers tested whether phones actively listen to conversations by playing pet food ads in a controlled environment. Surprisingly, they found no significant increase in data or battery usage, casting doubt on the notion of constant surveillance. However, the lingering distrust in tech giants persists, fueled by instance