Evergreening Loans: A Temporary Fix or a Recipe for Long-Term Trouble?
Introduction In the world of banking, a practice called "evergreening of loans" has gained attention for all the wrong reasons. It involves banks giving more loans to people who are already struggling to pay back their existing loans. This might seem like a temporary fix, but it actually hides the truth about the borrower's financial situation and creates a never-ending cycle of deception. In this article, we will explore the concept of evergreening of loans in simple terms, understanding its effects, reasons behind its existence, the problems it causes, and the need for regulations to address this issue. Understanding Evergreening Evergreening of loans happens when banks offer more loans to people who are having trouble repaying their current loans. The new loans help them make the payments on their existing debts. This gives the impression that everything is fine, even though it's just a temporary solution. In reality, it hides the fact that the borrower is struggli...