Greenwashing - Another Form of Bad Marketing
Introduction Have you also purchased any product that was advertised by the company or manufacturer as a new technological innovation that is a step towards saving the environment but later found that it was all but a marketing gimmick? Do not feel bad about your purchase, for you too are just part of the long list of customers who truly believe in saving the environment and making the world a better place but ended up just contributing to the ever-increasing profits of the company. What is "greenwashing"? Greenwashing is a marketing tactic that is used by companies to make customers believe that the product they are selling is environmentally friendly. Customers fall for these false claims and misleading information provided by the company and end up purchasing these products, believing that they have a positive impact on the environment. Types of greenwashing Hidden Trade-Offs: Claiming that a product is environmentally friendly based on one aspect while ignoring the negati...