Fundamental State of Leadership: How Leaders take Decisions

We all must’ve wrestled around the thought in our mind that how CEOs or other strong personalities take big decisions. Do ideas just come to them in their sleep or something? Or is it some kind of sacred knowledge we can’t get our hands on? But one thing is for sure, when they do take decisions they use their authentic values, deepest instincts, a selfless persona, and open-minded strategies. The state they are in while doing that has been dubbed as the 'Fundamental State of Leadership' by Robert E Quinn. Naturally, it gets triggered when a leader (or a person in general) faces significant and potentially life-changing moments, which could either be professional ones like promotion opportunities and proving themselves at the workplace or personal ones like the death of a loved one or a serious illness. Everyone, including leaders, tends to go back to more comfort centered zone, externally directed, self-focused, and internally closed behaviour, which is called the 'normal ...